
Kenneth C.K. Chow (Head of Chambers)


T: (+852) 3576 3130

F: (+852) 3576 3030


Secretary: Miss Winnie Lam


HK (1988)

UK (1988)


Solicitor (UK) 1979

Solicitor (HK) 1980

Transferred to the Bar (UK & HK) 1988


LLB, London University

LLM, London University (Distinction Marks in Company Law and Law of Business Taxation)


Kenneth C.K. Chow's practice is primarily in complex civil litigation, and disputes without directly applicable precedents.  These include commercial, chancery, constitutional issues and Basic Law, challenges to domestic legislation, conflicts of laws, cross-border or multinational litigation.  His practice covers a wide range of areas, and includes trust and probate, private equity fund disputes, offshore trusts and companies, contract disputes, construction or interpretation of documents, banking, guarantees and securities, company and shareholders disputes, protection of minorities, fiduciary duties, anti-fraud and conspiracies, tracing and restitution, commercial and international arbitration, international commerce, etc..

He has advised on or appeared in several leading cases, including the “National Flag” case, the “Legislative Council Select Committee” case, the “Entertainment Building Insider Dealing” Inquiry, the “New Territories Squatters” case (Lam Island), the “force majeure clause” case (Hoecheong), and the “Prevention Principle” case (Kensland Realty - no person is permitted to take advantage of his own wrong), etc.  It is to be noted that many of the heavy or major cases handled by him have been successfully settled or satisfactorily resolved without need for final court judgments.  He has frequently if not invariably either worked with, or fought against, top counsel of the highest calibre, and has gained commensurate experience, exposure and insight during his years of practice. 

Scholarships and Awards

  • Law Society of England and Wales, Solicitors Part II Examination - (a) First Class Honours; (b) Distinctions in (1) Revenue Law, (2) Equity and Succession Law, (3) Commercial Law and (4) Family Law (1977); (c) John Mackrell Prize (1977) - ("awarded to the candidate at the examination who shows the greatest practical knowledge as evidenced by the answers to the first questions in each of the Heads 1,3,4,5 and 6"); (d) Cliffords Inn Prize (1977) - ("awarded to the candidate obtaining First Class Honours at the Examination who is placed third in England and Wales in order of merit")

  • Travers Smith Scholar for England and Wales for the Year (1977) - (awarded by the Law Society of England and Wales “to the candidate deemed by the Council of the Law Society of England & Wales to be the best qualified by personal character, general intelligence & cultivation, and the nature and class of his attainments to do credit to the Scholarship")

  • Charles Steele Second Prize (1977) - (awarded by the City of London Solicitors' Company)

  • First Prize in External (Intermediate) LL.B Degree in Laws, awarded by Senate House, University of London (1973) - top in Commonwealth and United Kingdom

  • Certificate of Achievement - Summer Program on American Law in (1) Civil Procedure, (2) Constitutional Law, (3) Legal Method, (4) Practical Legal Studies, (5) Antitrust Law and (6) Conflict of Laws (awarded jointly by Columbia University & Leyden University)


  • Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference - Member (1993 - 2013)
  • The Preparatory Committee for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (1996 – 1997) - Member
  • Legal Sub-Group of the Preparatory Committee for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (1996 – 1997) – Member
  • All China Law Association (Institute for Research on Hong Kong Law) ‑ Legal Advisor
  • Research Group on Trans‑1997 Hong Kong Laws ‑ Convenor
  • The Basic Law Consultative Committee (1985 – 1990) ‑ Member & elected representative of the Law Society of Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong Wushu Union Ltd – Advisor
  • Hong Kong United Youth Association Ltd.– Founding Member & Advisor
  • Tung Wah Group of Hospitals – Past Director & Advisory Council Voting Member

  • Validating Panel for LLM Comparative PRC Law course, City University (1995)